====== Object Oriented Javascript ====== ===== Example Class ===== function OOClass() { this.local_public = "public"; var local_private = "private"; this.publicTest = function() { console.log("privprintfunc: "+this.local_public); } var privTest = function() { console.log("privprintfunc: "+local_private); } } ===== Public Fields ===== this.local_public = "public"; * Public fields must be addressed with the **this.** prefix when used **within the class definition** and with the **.** prefix when used **outside of the class definition**. ===== Private Fields ===== var local_private = "private"; * Private fields must be addressed without any prefix and cannot be directly address outside of the class definition. ===== Public method ===== this.publicTest = function() { console.log("privprintfunc: "+this.local_public); } var publicTest = this.publicTest; ===== Private Method ===== var privTest = function() { console.log("privprintfunc: "+local_private); }