Netbooting Clonezilla from Fog iPXE

  1. Download a Clonezilla ISO
  2. From the ISO in the /live dir copy vmlinuz to /var/www/fog/service/ipxe/cz.vmlinuz
  3. From the ISO in the /live dir copy to initrd.img /var/www/fog/service/ipxe/cz.initrd.img
  4. From the ISO in the /live dir copy filesystem.squashfs to /var/www/fog/service/ipxe/cz.filesystem.squashfs
  5. Edit /var/www/fog/lib/fog/BootMenu.class.php ~ line 126 add
    'fog.clonezilla' => 'CLonezilla Shell',
  6. Edit /var/www/fog/lib/fog/BootMenu.class.php ~ line 745 and line 758 (two places) add
    else if ($option == 'fog.clonezilla')
            $this->menuOpt($option, true);
  7. Edit /var/www/fog/lib/fog/BootMenu.class.php ~ line 767 add (be sure to change ocs_prerun and the fetch argument)
    else if ($option == 'fog.clonezilla')
    {       print ":$option\n";
            print "kernel cz.vmlinuz\n";
            print "initrd cz.initrd.img\n";
            print "imgargs cz.vmlinuz boot=live config noswap nolocales edd=on nomodeset ocs_live_run=\"ocs-live-general\" ocs_live_extra_param=\"\" ocs_live_keymap=\"NONE\" ocs_prerun=\"mount -t nfs /home/partimag\" ocs_live_batch=\"no\" ocs_daemonon=\"ssh\" usercrypted=Kb/VNchPYhuf6 ocs_lang=\"\" vga=788 nosplash noprompt fetch=\n";
            print "boot || goto MENU\n";