Into Bio

My name is Thad Schulz and the following is my journey in understanding nutrition for a ultra-endurance cyclist. I'm a school Technology Coordinator for a small K-12 school district in rural central Minnesota. I also am a competitive cyclist specializing in Marathon cross-country mountain bike racing. It's a strange mix but I'm a computer geek by day and a bike geek by night. I am NOT a fitness expert or a nutrition expert nor do I claim to be. My background is in Computer Science and information and technology systems. The following story is not a gain X muscle in n days, lose x pounds in x days, or a cure for cancer. It also is not meant a scheme to get rich in anyway it's simply just a collection of experiences that I have accumulated as an endurance cyclist.

Biking History

Like almost every american kid I got my first bike when I was pretty young. I don't even know what brand it was or where my parents got it. I do remember it was far from new since it had rust around the handlebars and electrical tape holding the saddle together. At the time when my dad brought it home I remember asking “Is that bike for me?”