Table of Contents

Mercurial Pushing to Server with Self Signed Certs

Add the host fingerprint to hgrc

  1. To find the host fingerprint run the following
     openssl s_client -connect <FQDN>:443 < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -fingerprint -noout -in /dev/stdin
  2. You should get something like SHA1 Fingerprint=9E:FD:0A:7B:C0:40:3D:A9:CF:BD:FE:DA:5E:D3:A8:EB:04:DB:2D:33 take the hexidecimal value and use it the next step
  3. Add the following to your hgrc file
    <FQDN from step 1> = <HEXVALUE from step 2>

Disable SSL verification

  1. Add the following to your hgrc file:
    push = push --insecure

Thad Schulz 2016/01/15 13:06